W04 Day1 - rest
W04 Day2 - rest
W04 Day3 - 1 mile walk
W04 Day4 - 3 miles run - tried interval training with different paces every quarter mile, ran up to 9:13 min/mile pace for the first time; also did strength training
W04 Day5 - rest
W04 Day6 - 4 miles run; first 4 miler, ran mostly with 9:13 min/mile pace, 2 qtrs with 9:22 and 2 with 9:05...and guess what?? ran last 100 meters with 8:57 min/mile...yahooooo first time less than 9 min/mile pace:)
W04 Day7 - rest

W05 Day1 - 2 miles run - interval training with pace ranging from 9:22-8:57 min/mile. Ran 200 meters with 8:57 min/mile.
W05 Day2 - rest
W05 Day3 - rest
W05 Day4 - 2.25 miles run - interval training with pace ranging from 9:22-8:57 min/mile. Ran 1/2 mile with 8:57 min/mile; also did strength training with 40 squats, jumping jacks, high knees, fire hydrants, side kicks, back low kicks, back high kicks, push ups, cycling, scissors
W05 Day5 - rest
W05 Day6 - 4.25 miles run + 0.75 mile walk - interval training again with pace ranging from 9:13-8:57 min/mile; touched a pace of 8:00 min/mile for 100 meters or so :)
W05 Day7 - rest
During weeks 4 & 5 I mainly concentrated on interval training and varying the pace for short intervals worked well. I had 4 rest days which I need to improve in coming weeks.
Total mileage so far
week 5 - 9:25 miles
week 4 - 8 miles
week 3 - 11.28 miles
week 2 - 8.40 miles
week 1 - 7.66 miles
For week 6 I am concentrating on increasing the mileage. The target is to run a 5 miler or may be more. Let's see how I perform.

My husband who is a marathon runner himself always tells me that running helps him concentrate better and he enjoys his 'me' time during a run. Now as I am running more each week, I am realizing that he is absolutely right. I have my jewelry studio in the garage where our treadmill is too. During one of the runs last week, I thought about different designs options for my bead soup and in fact finalized the design for various pieces I can make from it. Also, I have been thinking of catching up on some audio books lately but didn't really start. Last week I got an audio book from our local library and am enjoying it whenever I walk on the treadmill. This book Julie & Julia is based on real stories of two people - a chef Julia Child in her early years of cooking career and a young New Yorker Julie Powell , the author who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child's cookbook in 365 days. A motion picture of the same name also came out in 2009 starting Meryl Streep as Julie and Amy Adams as Julia.
It feels that getting disciplined for running is helping me in taking out time for few other things which I was missing in my daily schedule; and I am totally loving it.
Note: pictures courtesy www.clker.com & www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org